z 58 Barack Hussein Obama

I am not an Obama basher, since there is no difference between him and the Bushes and Clintons, but the following clips show the painful facts, and really tell  it like it is. They are ALL puppets of Lucifers New World Order, he does NOT get a pass from criticism because of his race.

“The man in the street does not notice the devil even when the devil is holding him by the throat.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Taxman and Robber

Barry the taxman

Black woman on Obama

Black Criminal in the White House

Madness of a Lost Society

George Bush booed big time!!

Obama Biden review 2010

Mr. President, where is all the money??

Beatles Taxman song Runaway Slave

Mr. President talking CRAP pt1

Mr. President talking CRAP pt2

YES WE CAN the govt. CAN solve ALL problems

Barack Hussein Obama Family History

The Obama Coup

The Obama Deception

Mr. Obama + Mrs. Clinton leading U.S.A. into more Wars

We’re less safe with Hussein Obamas perpetual wars policy

“Mr Transparency” Hussein Obama passing more secret Bush KGB style Laws

American Constitution read, probably first time for many “public servants” its never followed, so why read it??

Obama Mortage program flops

Second real estate crash coming

American economy

Liberals oppose white house

democrats defect from Pelosi

Hussein Obama out of touch with reality

Husseinn Obama “Its not about ME”!!

Mr. Narcissistic Obama

Hussein Obama “Kick some Ass”

How many babys mamas do you have??

Barack Hussein Obama gives part of Arizona to Mexicans

The Late Great USA

NAFTA Super Highway

Dangers of North American Union Jerome Corsi

North American Union, RFID, CFR, + Amero exposed

Hello New World Order + Amero,  goodbye U.S.A. + dollar!!

Soros + Hussein Obama

Acorn Obama

Hussein Obama next Fascist dictator

Hussein Obama Illuminati puppet

Ultimate puppet  Obama + end of America

Tribute to Hussein Obamas 7 million army

Hussein Obama hates American Flag!!

Was Hussein Obama born in USA??

“Mr. Transparency” Hussein Obama still refuses to show birth certif. + end controversy

Hussein Obama admits he is a Moslem!!

Hussein Obama does NOT give his kids Christmas gifts!!

Hussein Obama ridicules the Bible!!

Is Obama a Liar??

J Kerry on Obama’s lies

Hussein Obama racist friends

Barack the magic negro

Mrs. Obama’s big money $$ deals

Camp fema Hussien Obamas youth army–shades of Hitler youth brown shirts

Hussein Obamas brain washed brown shirt “civilian army” very scary

Hussein Obamas brown shirt army is here WAKE UP America!!

Rahm Emanuel on Hussein Obamas private army

Hussein Obamas “civilian army” is now LAW + IS FUNDED stimulus $$??

Very very sad and scary brainwashing young children, Hussein Obama Worshipping

Hussein Obama Worshiping NWO agenda

Hussein Obama SUPPORTS New World Order!!

Hussein Obama + Israeli Rahm Emanuel

From Freedom to Fascism

Amerika from Freedom to Fascism  video

Enemy of the State

Enemy of  State   vid

CIA  drug running   vid

House of Rothschild vs. U.S.A. Presidents

JFK secrecy + conspiracy speech (short)

Luciferian Network

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